Chicago Youth Mutual Aid - CYMA
The Chicago Youth Mutual Aid, best known as CYMA, is an effort born from the collaboration of five Black and Brown grassroots led organizations in Chicago serving youth and their families: Assata's Daughters, Chicago Freedom School, Circles & Ciphers, Street Youth Rise Up and Youth Empowerment Performance Project. Even though this effort was created as a response to COVID-19, these organizations are invested in continuing this project in the long-term.
Some of the resources we have available through CYMA are, but not limited to:
Appliances & Furniture
Art Supplies
Baby & Children Supplies
Cleaning Supplies
Clothing and Accessories
House Supplies
Hygiene Supplies
School Supplies
Self Care and Wellness
Due to the ways we have structured CYMA, active members from these 5 partner organizations and their families are the only ones receiving CYMA support. If you are a youth worker, and would like to refer a young person to receive CYMA support, you can redirect them to our Community Drop-In Services for in-person shopping and support.
If you are a community member that would like to support CYMA efforts, here are two ways you can contribute:
Supporting with Donations: You can access our Master List of Needs and connect with us accordingly (instructions how to connect with us can be found in the same Master List of Needs document). If you would like to coordinate a donation drive among family members, co-workers and/or friends, here our CYMA Donation Drive Guide you can consider for your planning.
Becoming a CYMA Volunteer: if interested to become a volunteer, please fill out this Volunteer Application Form.​​